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Weight loss basics: How do I start losing weight?

Welcome to our article on the basics of weight loss and how you can start losing weight successfully. If you are struggling with overweight or obesity, it is important to take steps to improve your health and reduce the risk of subsequent illnesses. In this section, we will provide you with tips and information on how to lose weight in a healthy way. 

Fruit plate, quick weight loss

Key insights:

  • Losing weight requires a combination of healthy eating and regular physical activity.
  • Crash diets are not effective and can have negative consequences.
  • Consult a dietician to support you with weight loss and to promote positive changes in your behaviour.
  • Overweight and obesity increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases and other health problems.
  • Reduce your BMI to improve your health and reduce the risk of complications.

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Why crash diets do not work

Crash diets are all the rage these days when it comes to rapid weight loss. They often promise unrealistic results in a very short time. However, what many do not know: Crash diets are not only ineffective but can also have negative effects on the body.

Rapid weight loss through crash diets is associated with risks. The body is heavily burdened, leading to fatigue, lack of energy, and a weakened immune system. Moreover, the infamous yo-yo effect often occurs.

The yo-yo effect occurs when, after a crash diet, the lost weight is quickly regained. This is because the body has been put into starvation mode and now wants to store every calorie. The result: You gain weight again and often end up at a higher weight than before the diet.

Another problem with crash diets is the potential nutrient deficiency. Often, important nutrients are neglected in these extreme diets, leading to deficiency symptoms. In addition, the body is put into a real state of hunger due to the severe calorie deficit, leading to cravings and a strong desire for unhealthy foods.

The best and most sustainable method to lose weight is through a long-term change in diet. Instead of relying on radical crash diets, we should focus on a balanced and healthy diet. This way, we can lose weight permanently and improve our well-being.

Problems with crash diets Alternative: Healthy weight loss
- Unrealistic weight loss in a short time - Long-term dietary changes
- Burden on the body - Gradual weight loss
- Yo-yo effect - Stabilisation of weight
- Nutrient deficiency - Balanced diet
- Strong feeling of hunger - Healthy feelings of satiety

It is important to understand that quick fixes like crash diets do not work in the long term. To lose weight healthily and maintain it permanently, patience, perseverance, and above all, a balanced diet are required.

Losing weight: First, a few basics

Before we delve into the details, let's first clarify some fundamental points about weight loss. Because to lose weight successfully, it's important to take a holistic view of the subject.

The Body Mass Index (BMI)

An important first step in losing weight is determining the Body Mass Index (BMI). The BMI provides insight into the ratio of body weight to body height and can serve as an indicator of overweight. A BMI of 25 kg/m² indicates overweight, while a BMI of 30 kg/m² points to obesity.

The problem with belly fat

Belly fat is not just a matter of aesthetics but also of health. It is known that fat tissue in the abdominal area increases the risk of various diseases such as metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, it is particularly important to target belly fat and reduce it through targeted weight loss.

Measuring tape, diet success

The importance of losing weight

Why lose weight at all? The answer is simple: Losing weight can reduce the risk of various health problems. If we are overweight or obese, we have an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, joint problems, and other health complications. By losing weight purposefully, we can improve our health and enhance our well-being.

Reducing overweight in obesity

In treating obesity and overweight, nutrition therapy plays a central role. Through targeted dietary changes, long-term weight loss can be achieved. Professional nutritional counselling can help promote positive behavioural changes and consider individual needs.

Alongside nutrition therapy, physical activity therapy is also of great importance. Regular physical activity can lead to increased energy expenditure and thus support weight loss. Through targeted training and sports, the results of weight loss can be improved.

Jogging couple, losing weight

In addition, behavioural therapy is an important component of the holistic treatment of obesity. It supports establishing new habits and achieving long-term changes in behaviour. By identifying triggers and learning coping strategies, negative behavioural patterns can be broken.

A holistic therapy for weight reduction in obesity thus includes nutrition therapy, physical activity therapy, and behavioural therapy. By combining these therapeutic approaches, positive results can be achieved and long-term changes can be made.

Therapy measure Description
Nutrition therapy Individual nutritional counselling and changing eating habits
Physical activity therapy Promotion of regular physical activity and individual training
Behavioural therapy Support in changing habits and behaviour patterns

Weight loss measures: What suits me?

When it comes to losing weight, there are various measures that can be individually tailored to your needs and goals. It's important to know that there is no universal solution that works for everyone. Everyone has different conditions and preferences when it comes to diet and exercise. Therefore, it's important to explore various options and select those that are best suited for you.

One first option we recommend is nutritional counselling. Professional nutritional counselling can help you make long-term changes to your diet and promote positive behavioural changes. A qualified nutritionist can help you understand your individual needs and goals and create a diet plan tailored to you.

Diets can help lose weight in the short term but are not suitable for long-term weight loss. They can restrict certain nutrients and lead to unhealthy eating behaviours. If you choose to diet, it's important to select a balanced and sustainable diet that includes all essential nutrients and with which you feel comfortable.

Exercise is another important measure for losing weight. Regular physical activity can increase energy expenditure and stimulate metabolism. It's important to choose a type of sport that suits you and keeps you motivated. This could include running, swimming, cycling, fitness classes, or other activities. Find something that you enjoy and can sustain over the long term.

Cycling, quick weight loss

Read more: The most effective sports for losing weight

In cases of severe obesity and pre-existing conditions, it may be advisable to consider medical help, medication, or surgery. A medical examination can help identify any underlying conditions and find appropriate treatment. If other measures have not been successful, medication or surgery could be an option in consultation with a doctor.

Measure Benefits Disadvantages
Nutritional counselling - Individual support
- Long-term behavioural changes
- Can be costly
Diets - Short-term weight loss
- Quick results
- Restriction of certain nutrients
- Yo-yo effect
Exercise - Increased energy expenditure
- Metabolism stimulation
- Increased time investment
Medical help, medication, and surgery - Specialised care
- Option for severe obesity
- Possible risks and side effects

10 Simple weight loss tips for long-term success

Here are ten simple weight loss tips that can help you lose weight sustainably and improve your health:

  1. Cook fresh instead of ready-made products: Prepare your meals yourself to control the ingredients and portion sizes.
  2. Focus on sufficient protein, fibre, and healthy fats: These nutrients provide a lasting feeling of fullness and support your body in losing weight.
  3. Keep healthy snacks handy: Opt for nuts, fruit, or vegetables when you feel peckish.
  4. Avoid hidden sugars: Pay attention to the ingredients list and reduce the consumption of sugary foods.
  5. Avoid light products: These often contain additives and can stimulate the appetite.
  6. Plan your meals: Decide in advance what you want to eat to avoid unhealthy spontaneous decisions.
  7. Drink plenty of water: Water is an essential part of a healthy diet and can help you feel full longer.
  8. Do not crash diet: Crash diets often lead to the yo-yo effect and can do more harm than good in the long run.
  9. Ensure a healthy amount of exercise: Regular physical activity supports weight loss and increases your fitness.
  10. Establish healthy habits: Long-term weight loss requires a change in lifestyle. Try to integrate healthy habits into your everyday life.

Healthy breakfast, lose weight

By following these tips, you can support your weight loss process and be successful in the long term.

    Quick weight loss - 31 Tips & Tricks

    Tip Description
    Drink plenty of water Stay hydrated and boost metabolism
    Reduce consumption of sweet foods and drinks Limit sugar intake
    Eat more vegetables Increase satiety and fibre intake
    Avoid high-fat foods Choose low-fat options
    Go for regular walks Increase physical activity and burn fat
    Plan your meals in advance Make healthy choices and avoid cravings
    Avoid overeating Pay attention to the feeling of fullness
    Replace processed foods Choose natural and healthy alternatives
    Keep a food diary Monitor eating habits and eat more mindfully
    Avoid large portions Use smaller plates
    Eat slowly and savour your food Focus fully on the meal
    Avoid eating while distracted No distractions during meals
    Limit alcohol consumption Consume fewer empty calories
    Create a workout plan Improve physical fitness
    Engage in regular strength training Increase muscle mass and boost metabolism
    Avoid fried foods Choose healthier cooking methods
    Allow yourself occasional small rewards Maintain easier abstention
    Increase your daily activity Incorporate movement into your daily routine
    List your goals Keep motivation high
    Pay attention to your mental attitudes Strengthen self-motivation and self-belief
    Avoid emotional stress Practice healthy stress management
    Ensure sufficient sleep Support metabolism and regeneration
    Support your weight loss goals Create a healthy eating environment
    Set realistic goals Establish small, achievable steps
    Get familiar with nutrition information Make better choices
    Try different types of exercise Find physical activities that are fun
    Seek support Ask friends, family, or professionals for advice
    Allow yourself occasional indulgences Enjoy in moderation
    Track your progress Celebrate every success
    Focus on long-term changes Avoid quick results
    Be patient with yourself Allow time for long-term changes

    Nutrition tips for healthy weight loss

    To lose weight healthily, it's important to pay attention to a balanced diet. Here are some nutritional tips that can help you:

    1. Reduce the consumption of sweets and sugary snacks.
    2. Opt for whole grain products like whole grain bread, whole grain pasta, and brown rice.
    3. Incorporate more vegetables and fruits into your meal plan. They provide essential nutrients and fibre.
    4. Replace sugary drinks like sodas and juices with water, unsweetened tea, or homemade smoothies.
    5. Consume animal products like meat and dairy in moderation and prefer low-fat versions.
    6. Reduce your alcohol intake, as alcoholic beverages contain many empty calories.

    Nutritional pyramid, lose weight

    When eating, it's important to pay attention to your feeling of fullness and eat mindfully. Take your time for your meals and enjoy them. If you eat slowly and chew consciously, you'll notice sooner when you're full and reduce the risk of overeating.

    "A balanced diet with whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and healthy drinks is the key to long-term, healthy weight loss."

    By integrating these nutritional tips into your daily life, you can lose weight sustainably and in a healthy way. A balanced diet combined with physical activity and healthy habits lays the foundation for your success in losing weight.

    Monitoring eating habits and avoiding stress

    To lose weight successfully and healthily, it's crucial to closely observe our eating habits and eat consciously. Mindful eating can help us develop a better understanding of our needs and build a healthy relationship with food.

    Read more:Counting calories when losing weight: How much is ideal?

    Stress also plays a significant role in weight loss. Chronic stress can lead to hormonal changes that affect metabolism and can lead to weight gain. Therefore, it's important to reduce stress to lose weight healthily.

    Meditation, Balance

    There are various ways to reduce stress and use relaxation techniques. Some popular methods include meditation, yoga, breathing exercises, and spa treatments. These techniques can help reduce stress and improve overall well-being.

    Monitoring eating habits Stress reduction
    - Mindful eating - Meditation
    - Pay attention to the feeling of fullness - Yoga
    - Stop when you have had enough - Breathing exercises
    - Recognise emotional hunger - Spa treatments

    Losing weight and healthy eating

    To lose weight successfully and healthily, diet plays a crucial role. A balanced and healthy diet is key to long-term weight loss. We should focus on natural foods and reduce the consumption of sweets and high-fat foods.

    Vegetables, fruits, whole grain products, and low-fat foods should have a permanent place in our diet. They provide essential nutrients, fibre, and vitamins that help us stay healthy and fit. By incorporating these foods into our meals, we can supply our body with the necessary nutrients while simultaneously saving calories.

    Healthy breakfast, lose weight

    A simple tip is to choose vegetables and fruits as the main components of our meals. They are low in calories, filling, and offer a variety of health benefits. Whole grain products like whole grain bread, pasta, and rice are rich in fibre compared to their refined counterparts and keep us full longer.

    Low-fat foods, such as lean meat, low-fat dairy products, and lean fish, provide important proteins and healthy fats without containing too much fat and calories. They are a good choice for balancing our diet.

    By focusing on these healthy eating habits, we can support weight loss and simultaneously improve our health. It is important that we make long-term changes in our diet to achieve sustainable results.

    Read more articles on the subject of losing weight.

    Final thoughts

    Have you decided to lose weight? That's an important first step towards a healthier life. But while you keep your goal in mind, it's equally important to take your time. Long-term weight loss requires patience and sustainable changes rather than focusing on quick results.

    Healthy dinner, weight loss

    Crash diets may seem tempting as they promise to shed pounds quickly. But be cautious! Such diets can have long-term negative consequences. The yo-yo effect is just one of them. Instead of losing weight sustainably, there's a risk of quickly regaining weight after a crash diet. This can be frustrating and affect your motivation.

    To achieve long-term success, it's wiser to opt for a gentler approach. Take the time to establish healthy habits. Focus on a balanced diet, regular exercise, and a positive attitude. Set realistic goals and celebrate small progress. This way, you can reach and maintain your desired weight in the long run.

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    Frequently asked questions

    How do I start losing weight?

    To begin losing weight, it's important to find a combination of healthy eating and exercise. It can be helpful to get advice from a nutritionist who can assist you in creating a personalised plan. Remember that long-term weight loss requires patience and it's important to set realistic goals.

    Why don't crash diets work?

    Crash diets promise rapid weight loss in a short time but are not effective and can have negative effects. Too rapid weight loss puts a strain on the body and often leads to the yo-yo effect. Moreover, crash diets can lead to nutrient deficiencies and severe hunger, which is not sustainable in the long term.

    How is overweight determined?

    Overweight is determined by the Body Mass Index (BMI). A BMI of 25 kg/m² or higher indicates overweight, while a BMI of 30 kg/m² or higher suggests obesity. It's important to know your BMI to assess the risk of health problems and take appropriate measures.

    What can help with weight loss and what should be considered?

    For weight loss, a combination of healthy eating and regular physical activity is crucial. A balanced diet with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and healthy fats is important. Regular physical activities such as walking, jogging, swimming, or strength training can support weight loss. It's also important to develop healthy habits and avoid the yo-yo effect.

    What can contribute to weight reduction in obesity?

    In cases of obesity, comprehensive treatment may be required, encompassing nutritional therapy, exercise therapy, and behavioural therapy. Professional nutritional counselling can help with long-term dietary changes. Exercise therapy can enhance weight loss outcomes, and behavioural therapy assists in establishing new habits. In some instances, a medical approach may be necessary, including medical assistance, medication, and surgeries.

    Which measures are right for me to lose weight?

    The right measures for losing weight depend on your individual needs and goals. Nutritional counselling can help promote positive behavioural changes and create a diet plan tailored to you. Physical activities can increase energy expenditure and stimulate metabolism. In some cases, medical assistance, taking medications, or even surgeries might be considered. It's important to choose a method that suits you and promotes long-term results.

    What weight loss tips can you recommend?

    Here are some simple weight loss tips for long-term success: - Eat freshly prepared meals instead of ready-made products - Ensure sufficient protein, fibre, and healthy fats in your diet - Keep healthy snacks handy and avoid hidden sugars - Avoid light products and prefer whole grain products, vegetables, fruits, and healthy drinks - Plan your meals in advance and ensure adequate hydration - Don't do crash diets, instead establish healthy habits These tips can help you lose weight in the long term and develop healthy habits.

    Do you know any tips for quick weight loss?

    If you want to lose weight quickly, these 31 tips & tricks can help: - These tips include recommendations for diet, exercise, and mental attitude to support weight loss. Each tip is designed to help you achieve your goals.

    What are some nutritional tips for healthy weight loss?

    For healthy weight loss, you should pay attention to a balanced diet. Reduce the consumption of sweets and prefer whole grain products, vegetables, fruits, and healthy drinks. Also, focus on natural foods and avoid high-fat foods. A healthy diet is crucial for long-term weight loss.

    How should one monitor their eating habits and avoid stress?

    By monitoring your eating habits and eating consciously, you can better control your meals and notice your feeling of fullness. Reducing stress is also an important factor for healthy weight loss. Note that stress can lead to unhealthy eating habits. Mindfulness and relaxation techniques can help you reduce stress and eat more consciously.

    How are weight loss and healthy eating related?

    A healthy diet is crucial for successful weight loss. Prioritize vegetables, fruits, whole grain products, and low-fat foods in your diet. Avoid sweets and high-fat foods. A healthy diet can provide your body with the necessary nutrients and support weight loss.

    Why is it important to take your time with weight loss?

    Long-term weight loss requires patience and long-term changes. Quick results are often not sustainable and can lead to the yo-yo effect. Take your time to establish healthy habits and achieve your goals in the long run.

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