Tyrexin™ in Swiss Pharmacies

We are thrilled to announce that our high-quality Tyrexin™ products are now available in selected pharmacies throughout Switzerland.

Since 2013, we have been committed to developing and continuously improving the most effective formula for a healthy, quick, and lasting approach to weight loss.

Our products are made only with the finest ingredients, whose results are documented, and our 2023 version is more effective than ever.

Are You a Pharmacy Owner?

If you run a pharmacy and are interested in including Tyrexin™ products in your assortment, we offer very advantageous wholesale conditions.

By offering Tyrexin™, you can not only help your customers achieve their weight loss goals but also enjoy our competitive prices.

Wholesale Orders

For pharmacies interested in wholesale orders, we have set up a dedicated page. Visit here and register to purchase Tyrexin™ products at wholesale conditions.

Our team will be ready to contact you to simplify the ordering process.