A growing problem makes the population sick in Switzerland

Obesity is a growing problem worldwide, with significant consequences for both individuals and society as a whole. Switzerland is no exception.

Obesity is a medical condition characterized by an excess of body fat that can negatively affect an individual's health. It is typically defined by body mass index (BMI), which is calculated by dividing a person's weight in kilograms by their height in meters squared.


Weight class BMI
Severely underweight < 16,0
Moderately underweight 16,0 - 16,9
Slightly underweight 17,0 - 18,4
Normal weight 18,5 - 24,9
Preadiposity 25,0 - 29,9
Obesity grade I 30,0 - 34,9
Obesity grade II 35,0 - 39,9
Obesity grade III > 40,0

A BMI of 30 or higher is considered obese, while a BMI between 25 and 29.9 is classified as overweight. Obesity occurs when there is an imbalance between calories consumed and calories expended through physical activity and normal bodily processes, leading to an accumulation of excess body fat.

Obesity is a significant public health concern, as it increases the risk for a wide range of health problems, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, and certain types of cancer. It can also lead to physical limitations and decreased quality of life.

Obesity is a risk factor for high blood pressure (39% vs a 10% average), high cholesterol (22% vs 9%), diabetes (12% vs 2%), osteoarthritis and arthritis (25% vs 11%) and chronic bronchitis (7% vs 2%). In addition, those with obesity have suffered disproportionately from Covid-19.

There are many factors that contribute to the development of obesity, including genetics, lifestyle habits, and environmental factors. Obesity is typically managed through lifestyle modifications, such as changes to diet and exercise habits, as well as supplements, nutraceuticals, medication and, in some cases, surgery.

The growing problem in Switzerland

In Switzerland, the obesity rate has been increasing steadily over the past few decades, and this trend shows no sign of slowing down. The prevalence of obesity in Switzerland has been increasing steadily over the past few decades, with significant consequences for the health of the population.

In Switzerland, the obesity rate has increased from 8.1% in 1992 to 11.3% in 2017, according to the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health. This represents a significant shift in the health of the population and is a cause for concern.

Almost half of Switzerland’s population is above what is considered a healthy weight – 42% of the population in 2017 was considered overweight or obese. Since then the numbers have only gotten worse.

Obesity and excess weight is more prevalent among men than women. In 2017, 51% of men in Switzerland were overweight (38.7%) or obese (12.3%). The same figures for women were 10.2% and 22.8%, a total of 33%.

The reasons behind increasing obesity in Switzerland

There are several factors contributing to the rise in obesity in Switzerland. One of the most significant factors is a lack of physical activity. As people spend more time in sedentary jobs and engage in less physical activity, they burn fewer calories, which can lead to weight gain over time. In addition, many people in Switzerland have busy lifestyles and may find it challenging to fit exercise into their daily routines.

Another significant factor contributing to the rise in obesity in Switzerland is the availability of unhealthy food options. Fast food restaurants and convenience stores offer high-calorie, high-fat, and high-sugar foods that are often cheaper and more accessible than healthier options. Additionally, many people in Switzerland are consuming larger portion sizes than in the past, which can lead to overeating and weight gain.

The consequences of obesity are significant

The consequences of obesity in Switzerland are significant and include an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and some types of cancer. Obesity can also have negative effects on mental health, including depression and low self-esteem. In addition, obesity can result in reduced mobility and increased healthcare costs.

It is estimated that the cost of obesity-related healthcare in Switzerland is around CHF 2 billion per year. This includes the cost of treating obesity-related diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer, as well as the cost of lost productivity due to illness. 

The increasing prevalence of obesity in Switzerland is a significant public health problem that requires attention and action. With a multifaceted approach that involves individuals, healthcare providers, and policymakers, it is possible to reduce the prevalence of obesity and its associated negative health outcomes. Addressing the obesity epidemic in Switzerland will require a sustained effort over time, but the benefits to public health and well-being are likely to be significant.

Nutraceuticals can help individuals lose weight

Nutraceuticals, also known as functional foods or dietary supplements, are products that contain active ingredients with potential health benefits beyond basic nutrition. Nutraceuticals can be beneficial in the context of weight loss and reducing obesity in Switzerland for several reasons.

Firstly, nutraceuticals can help to regulate appetite and promote feelings of fullness, which can lead to reduced calorie intake and subsequent weight loss. Certain nutraceuticals, such as fiber supplements or protein powders, can help individuals feel fuller for longer periods of time, which may lead to fewer cravings and less snacking throughout the day.

Secondly, nutraceuticals can support weight loss by increasing metabolic rate and promoting fat burning. Some nutraceuticals, such as green tea extract or caffeine, have been shown to increase the body's metabolism and fat-burning potential, which can result in faster weight loss over time.

Thirdly, nutraceuticals can support overall health and wellness, which is important in the context of weight loss and reducing obesity. Many nutraceuticals contain vitamins, minerals, or other nutrients that are beneficial for overall health and can support the body's natural weight loss processes.

Finally, nutraceuticals can be a convenient and accessible way for individuals to supplement their diets and support weight loss efforts. Many nutraceuticals are available over the counter, and can be easily incorporated into daily routines without the need for significant lifestyle changes.

Overall, nutraceuticals can be a useful tool in the context of weight loss and reducing obesity in Switzerland. They can help regulate appetite, support fat burning, promote overall health, and provide a convenient and accessible way for individuals to supplement their diets. However, it's important to note that nutraceuticals are not a magic solution for weight loss, and should be used in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise routine for best results.

We are dedicated to fighting obesity in Switzerland

We at Swiss Nutri GmbH are dedicated to promoting healthier lifestyles and fighting obesity in Switzerland. We offer a range of effective nutraceuticals, or functional foods and dietary supplements, that can help individuals support their weight loss efforts and improve overall health.

Our products are designed to target specific weight loss goals, such as appetite regulation, fat burning, and overall wellness support. We use only high-quality ingredients and carefully formulate our products to ensure maximum effectiveness.

We are committed to promoting a healthy and active lifestyle for individuals in Switzerland. Our nutraceuticals are a powerful tool in the fight against obesity, and we are proud to offer effective solutions for individuals looking to improve their health and achieve their weight loss goals.


  1. Swiss Federal Office of Public Health - Obesity: https://www.bag.admin.ch/bag/en/home/krankheiten/krankheiten-im-ueberblick/adipositas.html
  2. Obesity and overweight: Key facts - World Health Organization: https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/obesity-and-overweight
  3. Prevalence of obesity in Switzerland: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6135117/
  4. Economic burden of obesity in Switzerland: https://bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12889-020-8352-2
  5. Die Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Ernährung SGE - https://www.sge-ssn.ch/
  6. Schweizerische Gesundheitsbefragung 2017: Übergewicht und Adipositas - https://www.bfs.admin.ch/bfs/de/home.gnpdetail.2020-0257.html
  7. Effects of glucagon-like peptide-1 on appetite and body weight: preclinical and clinical data - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22158422/