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What really helps with long-term weight loss?

Long-term weight loss requires proven methods and a healthier lifestyle. Diets promising rapid weight loss are generally not sustainable. To successfully lose weight and maintain it in the long term, a combination of healthy dietary changes, behavioural modifications, and regular physical activity is recommended.

Eat healthily, lose weight quickly

Key insights:

  • Long-term weight loss requires a combination of healthy eating and regular physical activity.
  • The Body Mass Index (BMI) can be used to determine whether your current body weight is healthy.
  • Crash diets are not sustainable and can lead to malnutrition and the yo-yo effect.
  • A healthy diet change and sufficient exercise are the key to long-term weight loss.
  • In a healthy diet, all food groups should be included, such as plant-based foods, whole grains, dairy products, and healthy fats.

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What is the body mass index (BMI)?

The Body Mass Index (BMI) is a simple measure used to determine the ratio of body weight to height. It can help us ascertain whether our current body weight is healthy or if we might be overweight or underweight.

The BMI is specifically recommended for adults over 18 years old and can be easily calculated. Here is the formula:

BMI = Body weight (in kg) / (Height (in meters))2

Alternatively, there are free BMI calculators available online. All we need to do is enter our body weight and height, and the calculator will automatically calculate our BMI.

The BMI is a useful tool to roughly determine if we have a healthy body weight. However, it should be noted that the BMI alone is not indicative enough to provide an accurate assessment of our body composition. Other factors such as muscle mass and individual body composition also need to be considered.

Body mass index (BMI) Weight category
Under 18.5 Underweight
18.5 - 24.9 Normal weight
25 - 29.9 Overweight
30 or higher Obesity

Why are crash diets not recommended?

Crash diets promise quick weight loss, but they are not recommended. These diets can lead to malnutrition and often rely on restrictive eating habits that do not take individual preferences and lifestyles into account.

Eat less, lose weight quickly

The yo-yo effect is another problem with crash diets. After a short-term diet, one often quickly regains the weight. The body reacts to the lack of nutrients and energy by slowing down the metabolism. Once normal eating resumes, the body tends to store fat reserves more, leading to rapid weight gain.

"Crash diets can lead to malnutrition and cause the yo-yo effect."

It's important to aim for long-term and healthy weight loss, rather than relying on quick fixes. A balanced diet, regular physical activity, and sustainable behavioural changes are key to long-term success in losing weight.

How can long-term weight loss be achieved?

To lose weight in the long term, healthy eating, exercise, and behavioural changes are crucial. A nutritious diet that includes all food groups and is rich in fibre plays an important role.

Consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein is recommended. A balanced diet provides the body with all necessary nutrients and helps regulate weight.

Fibre, found in foods like whole grains, vegetables, and legumes, helps increase the feeling of fullness and stabilise blood sugar levels.

Besides diet, regular physical activity is an important component of a successful weight loss programme. At least 30 to 60 minutes of exercise per day can boost metabolism and increase calorie consumption.

It's important to find a form of exercise that is enjoyable and can be integrated into the individual's daily routine. This could include walking, jogging, swimming, or gym workouts.

How to implement a healthy diet?

A healthy diet should combine all food groups, including plant-based and animal foods as well as healthy fats.

Plant-based foods, such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, and nuts, are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fibre. They should form a large part of the diet and be consumed in a variety of colours and types.

Whole grains like oats, whole wheat bread, and whole grain pasta also contribute to a healthy diet. They contain more fibre, vitamins, and minerals than refined grain products.

Healthy foods, lose weight

Dairy products like milk, yoghurt, and cheese are good sources of calcium, protein, and vitamins. It's important to opt for low-fat versions where possible.

Healthy fats are also an essential part of a balanced diet. Plant-based oils like olive oil, rapeseed oil, and avocado oil should be used in moderation. Saturated fats from animal products and processed foods should be limited.

With a balanced diet that includes plant-based foods, whole grains, dairy products, and healthy fats, we can provide our body with all essential nutrients and support a healthy lifestyle.

Benefits of a healthy diet

  • Supply of essential nutrients
  • Support for the immune system
  • Energy boost and improved physical performance
  • Maintenance of a healthy body weight
  • Reduction in the risk of chronic diseases

A healthy diet can help improve our wellbeing and health in the long term.

Read more: The best nutrition tips for successful weight loss

How much water should you drink?

Drinking enough water is important for a healthy diet and can aid in weight loss. The German Nutrition Society recommends about 1.5 litres of water or unsweetened beverages per day. Consumption of sugary drinks should be avoided. Juice spritzers with a high ratio of water to juice can be an alternative option.

Water is essential and plays

Key insights:

Water is essential and plays a crucial role in good health. It helps maintain the body's water level, enables the transport of nutrients and oxygen to the cells, and supports the excretion of waste products. When losing weight, drinking enough water can boost metabolism and reduce hunger. Sometimes thirst can be mistaken for hunger, so it's important to drink water regularly to possibly avoid unnecessary eating.

The recommended amount of water or unsweetened beverages can vary from person to person, depending on factors such as age, gender, weight, physical activity, and environmental temperature. Children and older adults may have different fluid needs.

Why should you avoid sugary drinks?

Consumption of sugary drinks like soda, sweetened teas, energy drinks, and sweetened fruit juice can lead to excessive sugar intake and increase the risk of obesity, diabetes, and cavities. These beverages often contain many calories and offer little in terms of nutrients.

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Alternative: Juice spritzers with high water content

An alternative option to pure water are juice spritzers with a high ratio of water to juice. By diluting the juice with water, one can reduce the sugar content and still quench thirst. It's important to ensure that the juice is without added sugar and consumed in moderation.

What role does exercise play in weight loss?

Regular exercise is essential for successful weight loss. Physical activity increases our calorie consumption and can simultaneously build muscles, which burn calories even when at rest. To lose weight effectively, it's recommended to engage in about 30 to 60 minutes of moderate physical activity daily.

There are many ways to be physically active and contribute to weight loss. Sporting activities such as jogging, swimming, or aerobics classes are excellent options for building endurance and burning calories.

Yoga supports weight loss

But we can also be more active in everyday life, for instance, by choosing the bicycle over the car or the stairs over the elevator more often. Every form of physical activity counts and helps to increase calorie consumption and thus lose weight.

Activity Calorie consumption per hour (average)
Walking 250 calories
Jogging 500 calories
Cycling 400 calories
Swimming 600 calories

As can be seen in the table above, calorie consumption can vary depending on the type of activity. Swimming, for example, burns more calories on average than walking or cycling. It's important to find an activity that is enjoyable and can be well integrated into daily life to stay committed in the long term.

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Regular exercise not only has positive effects on weight, but also on overall health. Through physical activity, we strengthen our cardiovascular system, improve circulation, boost our energy level, and reduce the risk of various diseases such as heart attack and diabetes.

Read more: The most effective sports for losing weight

Physical activity plays a crucial role in weight loss. Regular physical activity increases calorie consumption, builds muscle, and can contribute to long-term weight reduction. Whether through sports or daily activities - every form of movement counts! Find an activity that you enjoy and integrate it into your daily routine to successfully lose weight in the long term.

Tips for successful weight loss without dieting

Losing weight without dieting can be achieved through a combination of a calorie deficit, stress management, balanced diet, and regular exercise. It's important to listen to your body and eat only when truly hungry. Small rewards can come in the form of healthy snacks. A balanced diet with healthy fats and sufficient protein is also important.

To successfully lose weight, it's not necessarily required to undergo strict diets. In fact, avoiding diets can lead to more sustainable and healthier weight loss. Instead of focusing on temporary restrictions, the focus is on long-term lifestyle changes.

Stress management is also an important factor in losing weight without dieting. Stress can lead to emotional eating, which can hinder our efforts to lose weight. It's important to learn effective stress management techniques, such as regular exercise, relaxation techniques, or sharing problems with a trusted friend or therapist.

How much coffee can you drink?

The consumption of coffee can be done in moderation, but large amounts should be avoided. Coffee contains caffeine, a substance that stimulates our central nervous system. Moderate coffee consumption can wake us up and improve our concentration.

It's important to note that caffeine can increase the release of cortisol, a stress hormone. High cortisol levels can lead to an overactivity of the stress-related hormone system and cause long-term health problems. Therefore, it's advisable to limit coffee consumption to avoid an imbalance in hormone levels.

Coffee in weight loss

Trivia: Cortisol also plays a role in weight management. High cortisol levels can slow down metabolism and make it more difficult to lose weight.

Aside from the impact on cortisol, coffee can also lead to dehydration, as caffeine has a diuretic effect. To minimize the effects of dehydration, it's important to drink enough water upon waking up to compensate for fluid loss during the night.

A moderate cup of coffee per day can be part of a healthy lifestyle. However, remember to monitor your coffee consumption and be aware of potential impacts on your hormone balance and hydration levels.

Why are healthy fats important?

Healthy fats play a crucial role in our hormonal balance and are essential for muscle building. Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish and plant oils, are particularly important for our body. They support not only muscle building but also fat metabolism.

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Our body needs healthy fats to produce and balance hormones such as estrogen, testosterone, and insulin. An optimal hormonal balance is of great importance to our body as it influences metabolism, muscle gain, and weight loss.

"Omega-3 fatty acids are particularly important for muscle building and fat metabolism."

Regular consumption of healthy fats in moderation, along with a balanced diet, can help maintain weight in the long term. They are an important source of energy and contribute to satiety, which helps us eat less and avoid cravings.

To supply our body with healthy fats, we should incorporate foods like avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil into our diet. Fish varieties such as salmon, mackerel, and herring are also rich in Omega-3 fatty acids and should be regularly included in our meal plan.

Why lunch breaks are important

In our hectic daily lives, many of us often neglect lunch breaks. However, skipping lunch breaks can have negative effects on our body and mental performance. A regular lunch break is crucial for our energy consumption, fat burning, and concentration.

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Skipping lunch reduces our energy consumption as our body has less time to process and burn nutrients. This can lead to fatigue and decreased productivity. By taking a break and eating a healthy meal, we give our body the chance to absorb the needed energy and boost metabolism. This is especially important to stay focused and active for the rest of the day.

Our body needs regular breaks to remain efficient and avoid cravings in the evening.

During lunch breaks, we can also engage in targeted activities for relaxation, such as a short walk in the fresh air. Physical activity during the break can increase blood circulation and make us refreshed and alert. This short physical activity can also help boost fat burning and support our weight loss process.

Orchard, lose weight quickly

Lunch breaks are also crucial to maintain our concentration. After several hours of focused work, our brain may need a break to recharge. By distancing ourselves from work tasks during lunch and doing something relaxing, we give our brain the chance to regenerate and be productive again afterwards.

Read more articles on the subject of losing weight.

Skipping lunch breaks can reduce energy consumption, inhibit fat burning, and affect concentration. A healthy meal and a short break during the day can help maintain our energy balance, stay productive, and support our long-term health goals.

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Frequently asked questions

What really helps with long-term weight loss?

Long-term weight loss requires a healthy diet and regular physical activity. Diets that promise quick weight loss are usually not sustainable. A combination of dietary changes, behavioural changes, and physical activity is recommended to successfully lose weight and keep it off in the long term.

What is the body mass index (BMI)?

The Body Mass Index (BMI) is a measurement that calculates the ratio of body weight to height. It can be used to determine whether the current body weight is healthy. The BMI is recommended for adults over 18 years old. The BMI can be calculated as follows: body weight in kg divided by the square of height in meters. Alternatively, there are free BMI calculators available online.

Why are crash diets not recommended?

Crash diets that promise quick weight loss can lead to malnutrition. One-sided diets based on a specific food are not sustainable and cannot take individual preferences and lifestyles into account. Short-term diets rarely lead to permanent results and can cause the yo-yo effect, where the weight is quickly regained after the diet.

How can long-term weight loss be achieved?

Long-term weight loss requires a combination of healthy eating, exercise, and behavioural changes. A well-rounded diet that includes all food groups and is rich in fibre can help regulate weight. Regular physical activity, at least 30 to 60 minutes per day, can boost metabolism and increase calorie consumption.

How can a healthy diet be implemented?

A healthy diet should combine all food groups, including plant-based and animal foods as well as healthy fats. Plant-based foods are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fibre and should make up a large part of the diet. Whole grains, dairy products, and lean protein such as fish and poultry are also recommended. Plant oils should be preferred for fats, while saturated fats should be limited.

How much water should you drink?

Drinking enough water is important for a healthy diet and can aid in weight loss. The German Nutrition Society recommends about 1.5 litres of water or unsweetened beverages per day. Consumption of sugary drinks should be avoided. Juice spritzers with a high ratio of water to juice can be an alternative option.

What role does exercise play in weight loss?

Regular exercise is essential for successful weight loss. Physical activity increases calorie consumption and can build muscles that burn calories even at rest. About 30 to 60 minutes of moderate physical activity per day is recommended. Sports and everyday activities such as cycling and taking the stairs can contribute to weight loss.

Tips for successful weight loss without dieting?

Weight loss without dieting can be achieved through a combination of a calorie deficit, stress management, balanced diet, and regular exercise. It's important to listen to your body and eat only when truly hungry. Small rewards can come in the form of healthy snacks. A balanced diet with healthy fats and sufficient protein is also important.

How much coffee can you drink?

Coffee consumption can be done in moderation, but large quantities should be avoided. Caffeine can increase the release of cortisol, a stress hormone. It's also important to drink enough water after waking up to compensate for dehydration after the night's rest.

Why are healthy fats important?

Healthy fats play an important role in hormonal balance and can promote muscle building. Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish and plant oils, are especially important for muscle building and fat metabolism. Consuming healthy fats in moderation, along with a balanced diet, can help maintain weight in the long term.

Why are lunch breaks important?

Skipping lunch breaks can reduce the body's energy consumption and inhibit fat burning. Additionally, skipping breaks can affect concentration and productivity throughout the day. A healthy meal during lunch can help maintain energy consumption and avoid cravings in the evening.

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